Return to Work Forum

Return to Work Forum

On March 9th, 2021, TAO and Onward Eugene convened a panel of HR, legal, and business experts to discuss the issues around returning to work and share their perspectives on the challenges and ongoing innovation that's taking place.What does returning to the workplace look like going forward — whether that’s in an office, a restaurant, or a factory floor? With the many changes brought on by COVID-19, businesses are adapting to our new environment. Over the last many months, we’ve learned that more people than we imagined can work remotely, but, to make this the norm in the future, new technologies and ways of working will need to be adopted. Many other businesses require in-person activity and had to pivot quickly to remain open. Businesses had to make significant changes around health and safety in the workplace and will continue to update practices as rules change. Being agile is more important than ever.

Panelists weighed in on important questions including:

  • With 4J Schools looking to start reopening in the spring, how does that affect returning to work? What if it is a hybrid model— is there enough support for working parents?
  • How will college campuses continue to innovate?
  • How do you anticipate remote workplace culture merging into future workplace culture?
  • What changes has your business made in regards to health, safety and security risk management in the workplace?
  • With the vaccine roll-out, how do you anticipate the work environment evolving?


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