TAO Member Spotlight: Charmaine Guillory

TAO Member Spotlight: Charmaine Guillory

Where do you currently work? Supply

What's your title? Director

In which city (or cities) is your company located? Portland

In what year was your company founded? 2017

Describe the company you work for and its product/mission. Supply is a studio for design and development. We help organizations evolve, innovate, and grow their digital presence, products, and offerings. More than that, we help passionate people turn big ideas into impactful realities. Our philosophy is to work as a team with our clients approaching both each other and the work with openness, humility, and adaptability.

Why is your company a member of TAO? TAO brings together not just technology companies, but a diverse group of tech-enabled companies and service providers to tech companies. We appreciate the ability to participate in and add value to an organization that advocates for expansive industry and corporate growth and advancement.

What do you, personally, like best about being a TAO member? I’ve appreciated the open and welcoming community. There is an eagerness to connect genuinely with others and offer meaningful support.

What's your favorite thing about our region's tech ecosystem? I’m a relation-driven person, so I’d have to say the people. There’s a lot of really talented and driven people in our region doing impactful and innovative work. In addition, the fervor for supporting home-grown people and products is unparalleled.

What is your hope for the future of tech in Oregon & SW Washington? My hope is for greater diversity and inclusivity across ethnographic, demographic, and psychographic backgrounds of the people that make up our tech industry.

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