Resiliency Series featuring Chris Berry

Resiliency Series featuring Chris Berry

RESILIENCY SERIESTAO’s “Resiliency Series” was created as an opportunity for community members to hear directly from elected officials and key community stakeholders about issues related to the resiliency of our region.

TOPIC OVERVIEWOn May 18th, TAO President & CEO Skip Newberry was joined by Chris Berry, CEO of OhioX. Ohio's Governor called out tech innovation as a priority in his proposed budget and the state's plan for economic recovery. Chris shared his thoughts on which policies hold the greatest promise. Additionally, Skip and Chris talked about ways that Ohio is helping to transform its economy through technology in healthcare, smart cities, and other industry sectors. Finally, with distributed innovation hubs of varying sizes and strengths throughout the state, Chris shared how Ohio is leveraging those regional assets to compete. This latter topic is highly relevant for Oregon in that a similar framework is contemplated in the State's recently published 10-year innovation plan.


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